Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Operation Christmas Child

"Every shoe box offers an opportunity to share the Good News of the Savior with a hurting child." Franklin Graham
It's that time of year again; time to go shopping for children all over the world. This week at The Heiskell School we are collecting shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Boxes are due Friday, October 30. Follow these 5 simple steps and you will be well on your way to blessing and possibly even changing the life of a child:
  1. Use an empty shoe box or small plastic container.
  2. Determine whether you want to give your gift to a boy or a girl and select the child's age category.
  3. Fill the box with gifts.
  4. Include a $7 donation to help with the cost of shipping.
  5. Drop off your box at The Heiskell School by Friday, October 30, 2009.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We're Going on a Field Trip

Tomorrow, third grade students from The Heiskell School will embark on a journey never before taken this school year. Our journey will lead us straight up I-75 to Tennessee, where we will follow I-24 to Chattanooga, where we will follow Highway 27 North, which will lead us (eventually after a few turns) to the Tennessee Aquarium in Chattanooga. You can go here to see for yourself all of the wonders we will explore on our trip. As with all field trips, there are a few reminders for you and your children. Please arrive at school no later than 7:40 A.M. tomorrow morning, as we are departing PROMPTLY at 7:45 A.M. Your child needs to wear their chapel uniform; we want to look our best for our exciting trip! Don't forget a sack lunch and a bottle of water in throw away containers. Because our schedule is so full, we will not have time for a morning snack, but an early lunch should be a big help! Cameras and spending money are acceptable, but no more than $10 please. The focus of our trip will certainly not be the gift shop, though it is quite nice! Be sure to visit our blog in the days following our trip to see a picture story of our special day. Until then, enjoy these videos which will offer a snip-it of what we will see tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The Heiskell School Family Night at the Movies

Dear Heiskell School Families and Friends,
You are cordially invited to attend The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry at Phipp's Plaza tonight and Thursday night at 5:00 P.M. Tonight, Junior High families will be meeting to view the movie together, and Thursday night Elementary families are invited to attend the movie. There will be no homework on the nights of the viewings, so come out and enjoy a movie with your family. You are sure to be blessed by this heartwarming tale. It is an inspiration to folks of all ages; come and be inspired! You can go here to see a quick preview!
We hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Praying for The Heiskell School

Today, our prayer time in class was focused on our school, The Heiskell School. This is my fifth year teaching here, and I love it! I truly believe that there is no other place quite like it anywhere. My two oldest children are in the Heiskell preschool where they are thriving as little people so our family is committed to The Heiskell School in many ways. May your heart be warmed as you read the prayers of third graders on behalf of their school:
  • Help us to raise money for benches for our outdoor classrooms.
  • May our school body continue to grow.
  • We pray for the planning of our fall festival and for Miss Dee who is chairing the event.
  • We pray our school would grow past the 8th grade, so we can stay here longer.
  • We pray for Mr. and Mrs. Heiskell who founded our school.
  • We pray for money for materials.
  • We pray for safety.
  • We pray all would grow closer to God.
  • We pray for the teachers and administration.
  • We pray for the cub scouts.
  • We pray for new students who come into the school that they would blend in here.
  • We pray for our box top fundraiser.
  • We pray for good health at our school.
  • We pray we would all do well on our tests.
  • We pray for Operation Christmas Child, which is coming up soon.
  • We pray for our field trips.
  • We pray for the Lawson's food drive, which is coming up soon.
  • We pray we would have a great school year!
In Jesus' Name, Amen.