Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Prayers for Haiti

Throughout this school year, our class has been spending a couple of days each week praying for other nations. In the beginning we concentrated our prayer time on the countries in Africa because that is our nation of study this year. However, many things have happened this school year that have caused us to expand our prayers to other nations, one of them being Haiti. Currently, our school is partnering with Reformation Hope to raise money that will aid in their rebuilding process. A praise to date, they have already received enough money to rebuild their wall and dig a well. Now, they are raising money to rebuild the orphanage, which also serves as a church. You can read more about their ministry here. This morning, our class spent time in prayer and offering praise to Him for the ways in which He is already working through this disaster. I wanted to share some of their prayers and praises with you:
  • Pray that there will be enough money to rebuild homes and buildings in Haiti.
  • Praise that Reformation Hope already has the money to rebuild its wall and will be able to dig a well.
  • Pray that there will be enough food.
  • Prayer for the orphans and children that they will be safe and have shelter and water.
  • Pray that the people of Haiti will come to know God.
  • Pray that they will have clothing.
  • Pray that building and hospitals will be able to be rebuilt.
  • Pray that God will burden the hearts of Americans to help the Haitians.
  • Pray that we will be able to raise a lot of money for the orphanage.
  • Even though they have lost their physical stuff, if they have Jesus they have all they need.
  • Pray for those who are still searching for loved ones.
  • Pray for beds to be provided for people who are hurting and need medicine.
  • Pray that those who have been hurt will receive the medical attention they need.
  • Praise for the ones who survived the rubble.
  • Pray for our supplies that are being sent to Haiti even today.
  • Pray that no one would try to stop our supplies from reaching Reformation Hope.
  • Pray that the convoy would reach Haiti.
  • Pray that none of the items sent will be stolen.
  • Pray that more doctors and nurses would be able to go and help.

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